How To Realize Your Financial Vision

What are your dreams for this year and beyond? 

To make a transition with your job and develop your own business or organization?  To move or travel to a new place? To start having a family?  To grow a Golden Goose for your future? To build financial stability for yourself or your family?

I help support people who are making their dreams a reality every day, and I want to share what I’ve learned so you can have success too. 

Overcoming financial fear

First of all, keep this in mind:

In order to realize your dreams, you need the winning combination of vision and action.

Your vision is an image, a feeling, an inspiration or an intuition

It’s the juice that lights you up and makes you say “Yes!  That’s what I want or need to experience!” with your whole being.

When I was living in San Francisco, I came across a picture of a beautiful mountain field filled with wildflowers that uplifted me and brought feelings of peace and joy.  I was so moved within that I knew I needed to be living near the mountains, but had no of intention of moving at that point.  I framed the picture and kept it in a place I would see everyday so I could connect with it and keep it at the forefront, and was eventually led to the steps I needed to take to make that a reality.  This image, blended with a feeling, lead me here to Boulder, CO where my financial coaching business is thriving.

Actions are the choices you make

They include where you place your attention, where you focus your energy and where you channel your resources.

Once I realized I needed to live in the mountains, I began to save money so I could make the move sustainably and have a cushion when I landed, as I would also need to restructure my business.  By implementing my commitment to move along with saving the money, the appropriate action steps all unfolded from there, including where to move which was initially a total mystery.

With all vision + no action, you could be living in a fantasy world and are likely to become depressed because your life is so far from what you want.

Financial management

With all action + no vision, you might create something in your life — but it may have nothing to do with what is the most amazing thing for you!

What is the secret to having both?

Your budget is the bridge between vision and action. 

When used as a sacred tool, your financial intentions and tracking systems become the practical means to achieve your hearts desires.  They hold your vision and give you a way to be in action.

In your budgets, or as I like to call them, Maps of Intention, you create categories of spending and saving for the things that will lead you to your vision, such as education in a field you love, or moving to a city that feels rich with opportunity.

Since you are consciously placing your resources in alignment with your needs and desires, you will move toward them in a concrete way.

I created a saving and spending plan called, “Get Me to the Mountains!” and within 1 year, I moved to my delightful new home, nestled at the base of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, CO.

Here’s a tip:

When you create your Maps of Intention, name the categories to represent your vision and feel expansive.  For example, instead of naming your savings account, “Savings Account”, call it “World Traveller” or “Business Owner”.  When you do this, every time you channel money into these categories, you will know you are on your way to manifesting your vision, which feels more inspiring than keeping a generic name.   Plus —there’s no better confidence-builder than actually realizing your goals.


Joetta Johnson