4 Keys to Making an Emotionally Intelligent Money Decision

Do you often find yourself caught in the crossroads of a big financial decision and wondering, “What’s the right choice for me?” Today, let’s dive into a topic I often discuss with clients: How to make financial choices that aren't just based on the numbers, but feel right on a deeper level, and for the long-term.

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Joetta Johnson
6 Micro Strategies to Boost Savings

It's been a day filled with money revelations! There is nothing better than gaining fresh insights and sharing them with my clients, and with all of you. I firmly believe in spreading the wealth of wisdom — everything I receive, I give away. So, let's dive into 6 micro strategies that can elevate your savings game.

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Joetta Johnson
Break the Cycle With Debt and Get Free

No one likes the sound of debt. It’s like somehow admitting to the world you don’t have your finances together. This then may contribute to a feeling of pressure to get out of debt. Either from yourself, your family, or your partner. You may even believe that having debt is a reflection of how financially savvy you are, or that it somehow defines your worth as a person.

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Joetta Johnson
Partner With Your Money Lover to Expand Your Wealth

In the phases of life when we’re blessed by romantic partnership, when harnessed powerfully, the financial part of the partnership can become a magical force that funds an amazing future. Yet, if you ask most couples, they don’t see money as a positive force in their relationship. Why? Let’s talk about it in today's post.

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Joetta Johnson
The Rainbow During the Storm: Igniting Your Vision for 2024

Are you feeling it? That new year anticipation as we begin anew… The desire for hope, possibility, and magic — the potential for something beyond what has gone before! From the perspective of astrology and numerology, we’re sitting on the precipice of great change. We’re now moving into an 8 year, which is considered the Rainbow During the Storm

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Joetta Johnson
Are You Going Through a Rite of Passage?

Relating to the future of money always has an unknown quality to it, like investing, for example, or just being an entrepreneur. These are opportunities to make friends with the unknown. Because when you’re friends with the unknown, you innovate, you invent, you create, and you make necessary changes to improve your life circumstances.

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Joetta Johnson
Hypnosis for Bringing a Fresh Perspective to Money

As a Financial Coach & Money Hypnotist, my strongest passion is to help you uncover and shift deeply ingrained money patterns. That's what I've seen liberate clients the most. I know just how maddening it can be when we're stuck in a Groundhog Day pattern with money! And when you finally see movement and break free from these limiting patterns — it can truly feel like life has begun anew.

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Joetta Johnson
Financial Hypnosis for Earning Power - My episode on the CEO Wisdom Podcast!

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed on the CEO Wisdom Podcast. We discuss the primary money blocks I've encountered with clients, what may be in the way of growing income, and how to find your financial power, even in the midst of high inflation. I also take you through a short, live hypnosis experience that demonstrates how you can tap into a soul-aligned vision and get more traction with it.

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Joetta Johnson
How to Care For Your Unmet Needs and Desires

What if I told you that getting clear on your unmet needs and desires can be a superpower when it comes to growing your income? Our unmet needs and desires point us to what we really want to experience in life, and they invite us to begin to really define, clarify, and claim what that is. Our money suddenly takes on a sacred purpose. And our relationship with our finances becomes filled with intention and meaning.

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Joetta Johnson
I Should Have Already Mastered Everything.

As a Financial Coach for 17 years, I've probably seen every flavor of shame there is, and money and sex are at the top. Shame can cause us to hide and isolate, out of fear that other people might see us as inadequate, or because we already see ourselves as inadequate or fundamentally flawed. Can you imagine how this dynamic can keep us in a rut, blocking us from embodying our full potential with money?

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Joetta Johnson