The Rainbow During the Storm: Igniting Your Vision for 2024

Are you feeling it? That new year anticipation as we begin anew…

The desire for hope, possibility, and magic — the potential for something beyond what has gone before!

From the perspective of astrology and numerology, we’re sitting on the precipice of great change.

We’re now moving into an 8 year (2024 adds up to an 8, 2+0+2+4), which is considered the Rainbow During the Storm.

Looking back on 2023, what kinds of storms did you weather and come out the other side of?

This is a powerful time to reflect on where we have been and where we truly want to go.

The truth is, when we choose to really go for the life experiences we desire, and commit to creating them, we also encounter new challenges.

This is because we’re not only expanding into new experiences.

We’re actually expanding our minds. And it’s the overcoming of obstacles that grows our consciousness, and takes us beyond our previous limits.

All real success — the kind that sustains over time and aligns with our soul — arises out of a growth in our consciousness.

That’s why the best intentions we can set for 2024 are the ones that include an expansion in consciousness.

Soul-level goals. A vision that asks us to grow to meet it. To embody a new level of our potential.

Our potential is always changing, based on where we currently are.

Our potential can look like a new expression of our work in the world, how much money we're earning, how connected we are to others, or how much flow is in our lives.

What inspires you the most about the year ahead?

What would be an 8 year for you?

An additional theme for 2024 is embracing the Winds of Change.

With AI becoming more and more available, and an election year ahead, we can sense the potential for great change brewing.

But these winds of change can also find their way into our personal lives, asking us to change in ways essential to our well-being.

We don't need to fear these changes, but instead be in acceptance of them, and trust that everything is working itself out.

My main mantra right now is "Everything is wonderful and working itself out."

I was in Joshua Tree for the holidays, and one day, while we were out on a beautiful hike, the winds really kicked up — so intensely that we had to turn back.

As we walked back to the car, the winds were howling! The energy was strong, uncomfortable, and unpleasant.

But… on the drive back to our Airbnb, a magnificent rainbow suddenly appeared over the park, up against the dark skies.

It was astoundingly beautiful!

The feeling of magic was all around, with everyone stopping to revel in the beauty.

And yet… the winds were rough right before this magical appearance.

That is what 2024 could feel like for some of us.

Things may be changing rapidly all around us, and it may feel intense at times or even chaotic.

But by listening to our inner voice, we can find the magic. We can find the rainbow — so don't forget this.

As the winds of change pick up, we can anchor ourselves in the life we want to create as a beacon of inspiration.

We can create greater stability and resourcefulness, even when it's windy all around.

Here are some tips to focus your mind, energy, and inner resources on the life experiences you truly want to create this coming year.

Visioning for 2024

First, we need a vision of what it is we really want, what our hearts truly desire.

In this process, it’s important we differentiate between our true needs and our desires. (Learn more about my approach to needs vs desires here)

What is it your heart truly desires this year? What are your needs? And what are your desires?

For this first step, I invite you to choose your highest priority need or desire to focus on.

Once you've identified it, it's time to get crystal clear and flesh out the details.

You can do this with a simple journaling exercise.

For a simple example, let’s say you really need a new car, and you don't feel you have the extra money.

You’d go into mapping out as much detail as you can.

What does this car look like? Does it have a moonroof? Air conditioning? What’s the color? How does it feel to drive it?

And beyond the thing itself, here is a really important question to ask yourself:

How much benefit will happen by having it?

Is it getting the kids to school in the morning? Improving your daily work commute? Going on weekend outdoor adventures?

Will you feel much safer on the roads? More stable? Or access a new level of ease and luxury?

This is your Deeper Why. The fuel of soul, feeling, and intention behind your vision.

In short, identify:

  1. Your highest priority need or desire (your focus this year)

  2. The details (fleshing out your vision)

  3. Your deeper why (why this matters to you and what you'll be able to experience as a result)

And here's a tip: focusing on creations that bring you stability will be super valuable this year.

Once your vision is clear, and you've activated the deeper why and feelings behind it — you're ready to engage in practices to bring your vision to life!

These practices could include self-hypnosis, visualization, vision boarding, reading your vision every day, or doing research on the vision itself.

The first step is to get clear on your vision and your deeper why. The next step is to start engaging with the vision through practice and intention.


Once you're clear, it's time to engage with your vision, and to build a relationship with the cosmos to co-create the experience together.

This is where the expansion of consciousness has the potential to happen.

Because we don’t necessarily know yet how the experience will come about — but by engaging with the vision, we become aware of both what is possible, and what we can actually do about it.

We're getting the forces of nature to work with us in order to create something in our lives that’s in alignment with our soul’s greatest needs.

As we're still in the beginning phases of the year, I encourage you to get clear on those things that can create greater stability in your life with the simple 3-step exercise I've shared.

Try it out, and you'll find yourself accessing a whole new level of clarity and inspiration!

And be on the lookout for a bi-monthly online circle coming soon, where we'll learn and practically engage in various financial practices together — and manifestation will be a significant part of it!

Joetta Johnson