Stoking the Fire of Your Burning Desire
The 13 principles of success consciousness written by Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich are true timeless gems. I recently revisited them and wanted to share my thoughts on how they can benefit your financial life.
If you’ve never heard of this book, it’s definitely worth checking out! Napoleon Hill studied some of the most financially successful people in his era (back in the 1930s), and culminated a set of 13 principles that he found were consistent in those who created extraordinary financial success, while also doing so from a place of high integrity.
Way back when I first read Think and Grow Rich, I started my own Mastermind group, and together, we worked on implementing the principles week by week.
One of the first principles, and my personal favorite, is the principle of Desire. I’ve found that being able to access our desires without having an attachment to them is a spiritual feat!
Having a burning desire is what fuels our motivation in life. Without motivation, it’s difficult for us to sustain any momentum with money management or wealth creation.
It’s our connection to our burning desires — whether they’re coming from the voice of the ego or the voice of the soul — that drives us forward.
This drive forward and how we orient ourselves can come from a place of fantasy or from a real vision — but until we start to take action, we can’t necessarily tell where our drive is coming from.
By exploring the root and fire behind our desires, we can expand our motivation — we can grow our fuel.
Most of us have a deeper “why,” a deeper motivation behind our financial goals.
When we decide to organize our money in relationship to our burning desires, our finances can start to flow in alignment with what’s most important to us.
By tying our financial map to our desires, we’re more likely to stay in alignment with our financial goals, and gain momentum towards them.
Maybe your desire is to be debt-free, to retire at a younger age than most, to live in a different country, or to have available resources to create more flexibility in your life.
“The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE.”
So first: we identify what our burning desires are. And then, we can organize our life and finances around them.
Consciously choose to prioritize them.
We can stoke our burning desires and how they relate to our money management, while also tying our burning desires to the way we organize our thoughts and mental state.
That’s a lot of what Napoleon Hill talks about: organizing our mental strategies.
Mental mastery is key in facilitating the manifestation of what we most desire — when it’s aligned with our bigger picture (or destiny).
What are your burning desires?
How can you tie them to your money management and financial goals?