4 Areas To Focus On During The Financial Unknown

While many of us are processing a myriad of emotions related to our finances during this time, what’s really important right now is financial clarity. There are 4 main areas that I think are very important that are very helpful when we’re in a time of significant unknown — some may call it crisis, or emergency state.

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Joetta Johnson
Who Thrives During A Recession?

It's been a very activating time for many, activating fear of the future and the unknown — but also activating vision and possibility when not living in the fear. Yet, did you know that a small percentage of people and businesses actually thrive during a recession? Based on a study done by the Harvard Business Review, 9% not only recover, but they fully flourish and financially grow! What do they have in common?

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Joetta Johnson
Making The Most Of Windfall Money

I teach my clients a powerful principle called The Rule of 3's. This is the supercharged way to pay off debt, accumulate savings, and take care of your needs and desires outside your monthly budget. This simple principle creates amazing results in the long-run. and today, I want to share it with you.

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Joetta Johnson
Savings & Navigating The Financial Unknown

Savings provide an experience of safety, security and peace of mind, as well as a sense that you are setting up your future life according to what’s important to you.  When you know you are allocating your resources in a way that takes into account the present moment AND the long term future, you can experience the confidence and wisdom that comes from taking care of your future self.

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Joetta Johnson
Facing A Financial Decision? Try This 3-Step Process.

Sometimes we're faced with financial decisions that are not 100% clear right away, or are complex in nature. These usually relate to the future, which is unknown. So how do we make a choice we feel confident about? We can use these 3 I's as a framework to assess important financial decisions in order to gain a sense of clarity and confidence.

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Joetta Johnson
A Simple Exercise To Shift Your Outcomes With Money

Here's what all my coaching clients learn when they work with me: if you're running into a challenging pattern with money, the first place to look is your subconscious mind. Our mindset has a tremendous impact on our financial flow. If we want to change our outcomes with money, we have to look to the core beliefs we hold about it.

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Joetta Johnson
How To Practice Conscious Finance In 2020

The new year is a potent time to choose and practice new ways of being. Money mastery is about more than earning more, saving more, or even giving away more. Money mastery is about the way we relate to money. And today I want to share a concept with you: that of practicing money stewardship.

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Joetta Johnson
2020: The Year of Clear Vision

2020 IS the year of clear vision. Just like 20/20 eyesight, we can hold this upcoming year as one where we get even clearer about the possibilities we see for ourselves and our lives. December is the perfect month for looking back to the past year, acknowledge and record our growth, as well as the breakthroughs and challenges we have overcome. It's also the perfect month to set up for the emergence of a new cycle — a new year — and envision it into existence.

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Joetta Johnson
How To Transform A Money Conflict

I was recently working with a couple, and we started noticing a dynamic come up in their communication around money. This pattern would trigger increasing conflict and would take them down a path where success was not going to be created. Today, I want to share a communication process that you can use in your partnership to navigate difficult or triggering topics.

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Joetta Johnson
From Reckless Overspending & Debting To A Purposeful Existence With Money

I was recently talking with my boyfriend over lunch about when I worked in the corporate world. Looking back, this was a very challenging time, and I experienced a deep level of dissatisfaction. I worked as a financial controller, accounting manager, and financial analyst, working with multi-million dollar corporate budgets for a hotel company. I was talented around money and finances, yet, my personal relationship to money was shadowy.

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Joetta Johnson
What Is Money?

Have you ever thought about what money is, really? As money practitioners — brave adventurers who have chosen to say YES to an amazing relationship with money — it’s important that we know what money means. And what money means to us. So let’s talk about it. I’m going to share with you 3 ways to look at money from a priestess perspective.

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Joetta Johnson
Sex & Money

Sex and money. Have you ever thought about what it takes to have a sexy, romantic relationship that’s reflected in your finances? This is a fascinating conversation to have! Let’s dive right into this powerful, edgy topic.

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Joetta Johnson
Are You Obsessing About Money?

Today I want to share with you a powerful I use for my clients and myself. It’s incredibly supportive when we are faced with an obsessive thought pattern with money. If you find yourself obsessing over money, there’s typically some kind of fear triggering these obsessive thoughts.

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Joetta Johnson
Trust & Money

When it comes to money matters, Tarot may not be a financial tool that comes to mind for most people. Even though it falls more on the esoteric side of things there is much we can learn in our relationship with money from this system. Tarot is a system of using archetypes as a helpful means to gain perspective on our financial circumstances, financial blocks and financial potential and help us relate to our money story from a higher perspective.

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Joetta Johnson